Toets << 2022 >December> MonthMonthListWeekDay SuMoTuWeThFrSa 1234 Moments of Reflection and Meditation08:30 -09:00 2022.12.04Dr Philip VenterIn EnglishDr Philip Venter Erediens09:30 -10:30 2022.12.04Dr Philip VenterEn doop567891011 Moments of Reflection and Meditation08:30 -09:00 2022.12.11Dr Philip VenterIn EnglishDr Philip VenterLast service for the year Will resume on 15 January 2023 Erediens09:30 -10:30 2022.12.11Dr Philip VenterEn voorstelling van lidmate12131415161718 Erediens09:30 -10:30 2022.12.18Me Kirsten SmallNo additional detail for this event.19202122232425 Kersdag Erediens09:30 -10:30 2022.12.25Me Kirsten Small262728293031