Toets << 2024 >March> MonthMonthListWeekDay SuMoTuWeThFrSa 123 Erediens09:30 -10:30 2024.03.03Dr Philip VenterNo additional detail for this event.45678910 Moments of Reflection08:30 -09:00 2024.03.10Dr Philip VenterIn EnglishDr Philip Venter Erediens09:30 -10:30 2024.03.10Dr Philip VenterNo additional detail for this event. Gemeente-ete11:30 -13:30 2024.03.10Christa VenterNo additional detail for this event.11121314151617 Moments of Reflection08:30 -09:00 2024.03.17Dr Philip VenterIn EnglishDr Philip Venter Erediens09:30 -10:30 2024.03.17Dr Philip VenterNo additional detail for this event.18192021222324 Erediens09:30 -10:30 2024.03.24Dr Philip VenterNo additional detail for this event.25262728 Aandnagmaal Paasfees18:30 -19:30 2024.03.28Dr Philip Venter293031 Moments of Reflection – Easter08:30 -09:00 2024.03.31Dr Philip VenterIn EnglishDr Philip Venter Erediens – Paasfees09:30 -10:30 2024.03.31Dr Philip VenterNo additional detail for this event.