Toets << 2023 >October> MonthMonthListWeekDay SuMoTuWeThFrSa1 Moments of Reflection08:30 -09:00 2023.10.01Dr Philip VenterIn EnglishDr Philip Venter Erediens09:30 -10:30 2023.10.01Dr Philip VenterNo additional detail for this event.2345678 Moments of Reflection08:30 -09:00 2023.10.08Dr Philip VenterIn EnglishDr Philip Venter Erediens09:30 -10:30 2023.10.08Dr Philip VenterNo additional detail for this event.9101112131415 Moments of Reflection08:30 -09:00 2023.10.15Dr Philip VenterIn EnglishDr Philip Venter Erediens09:30 -10:30 2023.10.15Dr Philip VenterNo additional detail for this event.16171819202122 Moments of Reflection08:30 -09:00 2023.10.22Dr Philip VenterIn EnglishDr Philip Venter Erediens09:30 -10:30 2023.10.22Dr Philip VenterNo additional detail for this event.23242526272829 Moments of Reflection08:30 -09:00 2023.10.29Dr Philip VenterIn EnglishDr Philip Venter Erediens09:30 -10:30 2023.10.29Dr Philip VenterNo additional detail for this event.3031